Tuesday 8 November 2011

Melbourne so far……

So after leaving Captain Pugwash and Lunchbox in Sydney I arrived in Melbourne to surprise the family the family. I booked one night in a hostel even though I knew they would probably offer me to stay with them! So the surprised worked (See above) and I spent the night at their house after my Sunday dinner of course! So I was given the offer to stay at the family home but it was quite a bit away from the city center but in the end the pull of a washing machine, my own room, the family and cooking was too much!  

So I have spent the last six weeks living in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, relaxing and enjoying the weather (it does rain sometimes, no one told me that!!!).  Dunney has got me into actually playing golf a couple times a week instead of the old days when we would sit at his house playing on tiger woods golf! Just generally experiencing what Melbourne has to offer and seeing some of the sights.
Went to check out the wild life one Saturday morning and officially became the bird man. No idea why but the birds were absolutely all over me ;-) and there was one sneaky one that attacked attacked auntie from behind. Never laughed so hard in my life! 

Thanks to Benny (from Hyde), Chris, Gav and Donks for letting me tag along on their piss ups, especially the race day which was quality even though I can’t remember half of it and lost a shit load of money in the casino. And also to all my Uncle and Auntie friends who invited me to BBQ’s, meals and parties.

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