Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Australian Side Of The Family (It’s Been 4 Years!!!!!!)

So after checking with Auntie over facebook that they weren’t going away anytime soon, I decided to rock up to their house and surprise them! I took a bus from Sydney to Melbourne and was reliving the great 12 hour coach journeys that we had to endure in Thailand! They have Melbourne on their address but trust me they live in the out back! I had to get a train for an hour and then walk for three miles just to get to their house!!

So I knocked on the door and the ginger bowling ball answered and didn’t have a clue who I was! So I asked if his mum and dad were in and he legged it! Then Dunney (Uncle Paul) came walking down the hall way and even he had to do a double take to realize who it was! Think the fact that I called him Dunney gave it away!  Auntie was out walking the dogs so when she came back I hide and just walked and said “hiya Auntie Gill” who then proceeded to cry! Nothing a hug from here her favorite nephew can’t solve!! First words out of my mouth where “Sunday dinner”?

Auntie Gill now has long brown hair, can cook a quality scrambly egg and has a BMW, oh and is a little bit loopy!!

Dunney is pretty much the same with a bit less hair and can’t drink haha but can cook a mean chilli con carne!

Beth is a lot taller and has a aussie accent and is like Kevin aka Dave mac!

Joey is still the nutty ginger bowling but with a aussie accent and long hair (big girl). Only joking cous!

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