Tuesday 8 November 2011

Return Of The Mac!

So after six weeks away from the lads, I am going back up for a long weekend to celebrate them turning 23 the pair of old bastards and to help Clarkey upload his photos to facebook and make sure Pash has stopped wetting the bed!! Think it may be a very messy weekend with it starting at about 10:30pm Thursday night and not finishing till the early hours of Monday morning. Free wine Friday and some game fishing thrown in to make it extra special!! See you soon fowies!

No Escape!

No more getting up at 10am, going playing golf at midday for a couple of hours, staying up til 2am to watch UTD, Sunday sessions, relaxing in the back garden in the midday sun, afternoon cat naps and wearing flip flops (thongs haha)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………. I HAVE A JOB!!!!!!!

And it’s only back with Mono!! I always needed to work in Aus as I didn’t have enough money to stay on the piss for 12 months! Plus it’s really expensive as well! So I sent my resume to the head office and low and behold they rang me the week after with a job in Perth!

It quite similar to Mono in Manchester, it took me a week to get a computer and log in and the application guys/girls complain about the sales reps. No canteen but I’ll trade that for the sun shine!
Working in Melbourne til Christmas then off to Perth after that! And yes I did all these blog updates in works time! Plus i'll still be doing all of the above!

Melbourne so far……

So after leaving Captain Pugwash and Lunchbox in Sydney I arrived in Melbourne to surprise the family the family. I booked one night in a hostel even though I knew they would probably offer me to stay with them! So the surprised worked (See above) and I spent the night at their house after my Sunday dinner of course! So I was given the offer to stay at the family home but it was quite a bit away from the city center but in the end the pull of a washing machine, my own room, the family and cooking was too much!  

So I have spent the last six weeks living in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, relaxing and enjoying the weather (it does rain sometimes, no one told me that!!!).  Dunney has got me into actually playing golf a couple times a week instead of the old days when we would sit at his house playing on tiger woods golf! Just generally experiencing what Melbourne has to offer and seeing some of the sights.
Went to check out the wild life one Saturday morning and officially became the bird man. No idea why but the birds were absolutely all over me ;-) and there was one sneaky one that attacked attacked auntie from behind. Never laughed so hard in my life! 

Thanks to Benny (from Hyde), Chris, Gav and Donks for letting me tag along on their piss ups, especially the race day which was quality even though I can’t remember half of it and lost a shit load of money in the casino. And also to all my Uncle and Auntie friends who invited me to BBQ’s, meals and parties.

The Australian Side Of The Family (It’s Been 4 Years!!!!!!)

So after checking with Auntie over facebook that they weren’t going away anytime soon, I decided to rock up to their house and surprise them! I took a bus from Sydney to Melbourne and was reliving the great 12 hour coach journeys that we had to endure in Thailand! They have Melbourne on their address but trust me they live in the out back! I had to get a train for an hour and then walk for three miles just to get to their house!!

So I knocked on the door and the ginger bowling ball answered and didn’t have a clue who I was! So I asked if his mum and dad were in and he legged it! Then Dunney (Uncle Paul) came walking down the hall way and even he had to do a double take to realize who it was! Think the fact that I called him Dunney gave it away!  Auntie was out walking the dogs so when she came back I hide and just walked and said “hiya Auntie Gill” who then proceeded to cry! Nothing a hug from here her favorite nephew can’t solve!! First words out of my mouth where “Sunday dinner”?

Auntie Gill now has long brown hair, can cook a quality scrambly egg and has a BMW, oh and is a little bit loopy!!

Dunney is pretty much the same with a bit less hair and can’t drink haha but can cook a mean chilli con carne!

Beth is a lot taller and has a aussie accent and is like Kevin aka Dave mac!

Joey is still the nutty ginger bowling but with a aussie accent and long hair (big girl). Only joking cous!

Kings Cross, Jackaroo and Free Wine Friday!!

So we decided to head for Kings Cross after all three of us had been advised by several different people this was the place to be! After trying three different hostels and having no look we found the Jackaroo which was right next door to the underground! Again we found out how expensive it is down under when we were told it was $30 a night!!! However $30 is a pretty fair price for the atmosphere and location. The hostel has different nights on every night including free wine Friday. I think everyone will agree that calling a night free wine Friday is a great way to start the weekend. 

I only spent three nights in the hostel but it’s definitely one of the top hostels that we have stayed in since our trip began! (Pash and Clarkey may argue the best now they have been there even longer). Shame I have to leave and going to miss the lads but need to really go and see the family as they are now on the door step haha. I am going back for a long weekend so you never know it could be number one!

Arriving In Australia!!!

So we landed in the land down under at 17:40 and instantly found out how expensive it was! $15 (a about a tenner) for a ten minute train into the center! After getting over the shock, we were on our way into the city center to find a hostel and somewhere to relax and chill out (Yeah right)!