Tuesday 27 September 2011

The Singapore F1 Race

So we finally made a decision that we would spend the extra money and go to the Singapore Grand Prix. After all it is the only night race that they have during in the season! We bought a weekend pass which allowed us three days entry to the racing circuit! Friday was just the practice laps after the cars has been rebuilt from there trip over. Saturday was a final practice session and then qualifying and in between these to was a performance from Shakira and her god damn fine arse and hips but anyway we was only there for the racing!! Obviously the Sunday was race day and afterwards Linkin Park were playing!

The race is one of the things that during our trip really makes it special! Seeing and hearing the cars was incredibly and the views that you have of the city at night where breath taking. Shame an English driver couldn't of won it for us but life not that perfect! A video below so you can see how the cars actually are and the noise of them!!

Sunday 25 September 2011

The Three Amigos, Three Wise Men, Three Muskateers, Harry Ron And Hermione, The Three Blinded Mice (After Beer) or Alvin Simone and Theodore, Chandler, Joey or Ross!!!!!

What ever you want to call us the woofpack is back together for the final leg of the south east Asia tour!!

The List Grows Ever Longer!!

8. Second Camera - just decided to stop working after a month!!
9. Mobile Phone - Think it was stolen in Melaka.

Pulua Tioman........Turtle Island

After dying with a hangover for 8 hours we finally arrived in Pulua Tioman which is famous for it's turtles nesting on the island and it's diving sites!! Most of the island you have to get to by 4 x 4 apart from a couple of beach resorts that they have!!

Where we stayed on the island was very basic but had a great chilled out feel about the place. There was only two bars on the stretch of beach but they were both good and there was plenty of other backpackers or divers to talk to! Plus the beer was 10 Ringit for three!! We spent 3 days here relaxing and just chilling on the beach with a beer!! Even though this is probably the most rural location we have been we still managed to find a tv for the utd vs leeds game haha!! Still not missed a game!

Pash spent most of time on the look out for Komodoo dragons after I explained that they could grow to 3 metres long and eaten humans before!! 

Scuba Sean.........

 A small congratulation to Sean Clarke getting his Padi certification in Koh Tao. So he can now dive with all the dangerous creatures that live in the sea in Aus!! A few pics of the boy in action!!

Saturday 24 September 2011

The Piss Up In Melaka!

So after having such a good time in KL we were moving on to a place called Melaka which was suppose to have a good nightlife and be full of back packers!! We spent our first night exploring round and finding out where to go!! We walked to the main area for bars which was about 20 minutes from our hostel, to find they where quiet and spread out all over the place!!

While exploring me and Pash became part of a scene out of Tokyo drift, all the cars but non of the women!!! Just playstation geeks really!! We walked right into a car cruise! We had a look round then told them to grow up and stop playing with cars!!

The second day was a messy and can only tell you it involved watching England rugby, Tottemham vs Liverpool then MAN UTD vs Chelsea!! The last thing I remember was the owner of the hostel bringing jug after jug celebrating Utd battering Chelsea and going top of the league!!!

I have to apologia to Mel the french girl staying in our dorm for the sudden downpour in the middle of the night and thank her for waking us up in time for our taxi!! 

How we got up for 7am the next day I don't know!! It's onto Pulau Tioman for three days for a chill out!!

Friday 23 September 2011

Kuala Lumpur, What A Great City!!

Our Living Quarters!
So we arrived in Kuala Lumpur from Penang and spent the first few hours getting lost! And just to get us really down it was in the middle of a thunder storm! Just had to remember a bad day traveling is better than a good day in work, plus we got to know the city!!

We eventually found a great hostel called Reggae Mansion! Loads of backpackers, a roof top bar, it's own cinema and a great tandoori burger!!!

Roof Top Bar
We spent four days here exploring china town, the Petronas towers, the KL towers, local market and some of it's many super malls!! I would definitely recommend that everyone visits the Petronas towers at night, at least once in there lives!!

We met some good people while in KL and have actually convinced to lads to change there flights so they can go to the F1 in Singapore!! 6 days and counting!!!

Saturday 17 September 2011

Penang, The Old British Island!!

After the rural location of Langkawi we were looking forward to a more built up area with possibly a better nightlife!! After walking around for one hour we found a nice hostel with cost 25 Ringit a night and had everything we needed! The first night we found the strip which was big enough and had some really good bars but they were to quite!!! 

We spent the next day exploring the temples, the museum, the old fort and little India!! After finishing here we when to the shopping center where there is a tower called Komtar which has a 360 degree panoramic floor at the top!! after working our way through the shopping mall for an hour to find the entrance we found out it was shut!!!!

I have no photos of Penang as the second camera of my trip has now broke and won't be buying a new one til we get to Kuala Lumpur!!!

One Aimgo Down....... Well For Two Weeks Anyway!!

Clarky has decided that Malaysia isn't for him and has decided to go back to Thailand, mainly Koh Tao to do his diving and the fact he has falled in love with the place!! Me and Pash have decided it's better to move forward into the unknown than go back to Thailand!!

He is going to be meeting back up with us in Singapore for the only night Formula 1 race in the world!! See you on the 22nd pal!!! Can't wait!!!

Sunday 11 September 2011

The Reason Three Of Us Went Traveling!!!

It's like the witches of eastwick haha!! Only joking with you's!!

Another Washout, This Time In Langkawi!!

We arrived at Langkawi after a short visit to Krabi and it was just as quiet but had an absolute perfect beach!! After spending three hours on the beach on our second day the heavens opened and the classic Asian rain started to fall!! This was also the day our final temporary traveling partner parted ways with us and made the journey home! On the morning of our third day there was a break in the rain, just enough time for us to visit the mangroves, bat caves and the eagles that are indigenous to the island being fed!! As soon as we was back to our dorm the heavens opened once again! On our final night the rain and wind was so bad i thought the hostel was going to fall down!!

On the Saturday Utd played Bolten and we had to find somewhere to watch it!! We watched the first half in an irish bar but they kicked us out as they were closing! We ended up watching the second half in a corner shop! The things you have to do to watch your football club while traveling the world!!

We met a German at about 12:30pm when we were back at our hostel, because it was so quiet on the beach! Clarkey was outside our dorm brushing his teeth but we could hear every word they said! It was the funniest conversation I have heard all trip.....

German girl: Hello.
Clarkey: Hiya.
German girl: You are the first westerner that I have seen on the island!
Clarkey: I am the first westerner that you have met?
German Girl: Yeah!!
Clarkey: And am stood here dressed like this!!
German Girl: Hahahaha

Me and Pash burst out laughing because we know what he is wearing......

Another One Bits The Dust!!

Due to unforeseen circumstances Bennett, Bengi, Fat lad, Scubes or Scoob (we're not sure which one haha), had to leave us early on Saturday!! He is now safety at home working out to show Clarkey what real muscles are!! Hope he had as much fun as we did and he will be missed!!

The things that I will miss the most about him is that he knows the wi-fi password for every hotel and bar before we had even entered it!! The legendary WELCOME that he was so good at and his Gary Neville sing haha!! Plus he goes home with best comment of the trip award!!

Now it's just the three amigos!!

Friday 9 September 2011

The End of Chapter One.......

So after exploring Koh Tao and Phi Phi for a week each we was fast running out of time to leave Thailand before our visas ran out! So we decided to head over to Krabi for our last two days in Thailand as it was suppose to have great beaches and a good nightlife! When we arrived we had all seen better beaches and all though there were a lot of bars the place was very quiet!! They ran trips to islands where some of the James Bond films were made but as we were there for only two days we didn't get chance to go!! So that's our first country conquered and now time to see what Malaysia has to offer!!

So its goodbye Thailand and welcome Malaysia!!!

Seven Weeks In And The list Grows!!

The number of things that I have lost or broken since our trip started!!!

  1. Credit card - lost in Bangkok pissed.
  2. Drivers lisence - lost in Bangkok pissed.
  3. Alexander - left in Chang Mai hotel room.
  4. Stand alone Mono speaker - left in hotel room on second visit to Bangkok.
  5. Backpack - broke when we arrived in Koh Samui.
  6. Camera - lost in back of a taxi in Koh Samui, pissed.
  7. Toiletries bag - left in hotel room in Krabi.
I think am doing quite well!!!

Thursday 8 September 2011

The Tattoo!!!

Well when we're in Thailand bamboo tattoo are traditional and the first person to spot one he liked was me!!

Friday 2 September 2011

They Came, They Saw, They Conquered!!

After three nights in Phuket and three nights in Phi Phi, Darnell (Birchy) and Mowgli (Wallwork) are leaving to spend the rest of there time in Thailand at Koh Samui and Koh Tao! It was good to see them and we had a top laugh! See you in 10 months lads!!

The Beach!!

So we have moved onto Phi Phi which is famous because just off the coast of the island is where the film The Beach was made! On Our second day there we took a boat to the island and spent the day on the beach!! I know totally understand why the people from the film wanted to stay there so much. Pearly white beaches surrounded by high cliffs covered in jungle! Oh and monkeys!! Shame they want 50 quid a night to stay in a tent!! 

Then There Was Six Of Us!!

The Smallest Things Are The Funniest 2!!!

Clarky: It's weird, when am at home if I want a biscuit I'll just have one or two. Out here I could easily finish a full pack!
Pash: Do you know what that tells you mate?
Clarky:What's that mate?
Pash: You need to man the fuck up when your back home!!

Wash Out In Phuket!!

So we were leaving the sunny island of Koh Tao to do our visa run to Burma then onto Phuket where we are meeting Darnell and Mowgli!! The journey would take just under 24 hours and we spent 7 on a boat in the worst sea I have ever bin in!! The weather was definitely changing!!

We were staying in a place called Patong beach which had a great nightlife but it didn't stop raining! Large parts of the island were flooded and power cuts because of downed power lines! Just want to pay a small tribute to the 20 year old English lad who lost his life the day before we arrived after walking through a flooded street when unfortunately a power fell into the water! May he rest in peace!

While in Patong we learnt that Bennett was the worst joiner out the lot of us and he repetitively failed at the nail game haha!

We also found a bar that was completely made of Jack Daniels bottles! As a big Jack Daniel fan I thought it was the coolest thing in the world!!

I also managed to find a new member for the woof pack! he is a very bad influence and took us to all the best places on bangla road!!

Exploring Koh Tao!!

This island was all about relaxing after the full moon party!! The island was packed when we arrived because everyone has the same idea!! We walked around for three hours on one of the hottest days since we have been here,until we finally found a room about 10 minutes walk from the center! First thing on the list was to find a bar that showed all the sports events and we definitely found one! CHOPPERS! We spent most of our time in this bar as it showed every sports game plus did chicken fingers for 80baht and it was like getting a full chicken!! Happy hour was 4-8pm as well!

An other great bar that we spent a lot of time at was Lotus!! This bar was quality, right on the beach front with bean bags where u could chill all night!

So apart from relaxing in bars on the beach, Koh Tao offers great snorkeling and diving sites!! We spent a day snorkeling round the different bays and it was the best place I have ever done it in my life! I had the great pleasure of swimming along side a turtle plus seeing hundreds of different types of fish! Unfortunately no sharks even though we were told we would see black tipped reef sharks!

There was also exploring the many view points that the island has for the stunning views! I spent a day just walking round the island to different places and got some great views!! Also a ten minute boat ride from where we were staying was three small island that are connected by white sandy beaches!! It was called Koh Nangyuan! Me and Bennett decided to walk to the view point and take some photos but Pash said he had forgot his oxygen tank so he would wait at the bottom haha! This is the view that we got!!! Amazing wouldn't you agree!

Koh Nang Yuan

Were All Safe No Matter What Happens Hahaha.....

No one needs to worry cause if there is any trouble will all be fine cause we have a professional boxer traveling with us hahaha...........

Hello Bruno!!!