Sunday 25 September 2011

Pulua Tioman........Turtle Island

After dying with a hangover for 8 hours we finally arrived in Pulua Tioman which is famous for it's turtles nesting on the island and it's diving sites!! Most of the island you have to get to by 4 x 4 apart from a couple of beach resorts that they have!!

Where we stayed on the island was very basic but had a great chilled out feel about the place. There was only two bars on the stretch of beach but they were both good and there was plenty of other backpackers or divers to talk to! Plus the beer was 10 Ringit for three!! We spent 3 days here relaxing and just chilling on the beach with a beer!! Even though this is probably the most rural location we have been we still managed to find a tv for the utd vs leeds game haha!! Still not missed a game!

Pash spent most of time on the look out for Komodoo dragons after I explained that they could grow to 3 metres long and eaten humans before!! 

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