Saturday 20 August 2011

Leaving To Early....... Definitely!!

Are first traveling companion left yesterday!! Got to say goodbye to one of the funniest, stupidest and swell head lads we know!! He has definitely got to come back out and meet??

I'll leave it with this dedication to him with his leaving speech:

Eamon: I'd err just like to say a few words, I don't know whether you know this but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I have a bit of a woof pack going on, at first I was alone in the woof pack but then when I acme away with you guys I thought wait could it be? and now I know for sure iv just added 4 new members to the woof pack! Running all over Thailand nailing buckets and singha!

There has been both exciting and scary times along the way - the nights out, buckets, getting lost in kao phangan twice, watching a dwarf wrestle with bob marley in the sea, piercings, fighting tigers, waking up and realizing a smelly whale is trying too mount you so getting the fuck out, using bennets face as a cum bucket, taking on bangkok and WINNING, trying to pad lock the room whilst still in it, "NO NO NO", "Welllllllcoooommmeeeeeeee", "you know what I like about you" 'what' "fuck all", WOW what an amazing time i have had and had the happiest ending ever :):);)!!!

Make sure you all take care, have an amazing time, and stay in touch!!! love you all, going to miss you!!!

Todalouse bitches!!!

Eamonn or Eddie, Paddy, Goose, Steel, Swellhead, dickhead xxxxxxx

The Story Continued........

So after surving the jungle we where heading for three islands just of the coast of Thailand. Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao!! We arrived in Koh Samui and booked a hut on the beach! Literally as you walked out of the hut you would be on the beach! Five more steps and you would be in it!!

However disaster struck in Koh Samui, I lost my camera and broke my bag!! cost me 150quid to replace both!! So Much for low cost travelling!! I lost it after a night out on our second day on the island!! I wanted the photos off it more than the camera!! Never mind onwards and upwards! We spent three nights on the island in two different places, one place to chill on the beach and relax and the other had more of a party atmosphere.

Next was the big one! Koh Phangan! We were staying for 5 days, two days before and two days after the full moon party! It was just a party every night, with the option of jungle raves, pool parties, bars on the beach or just getting smashed in the dorms playing drinking games! The full moon was that special it has its own section on here!

We are currently relaxing on Koh Tao which definitely is a paradise island with beach huts and white sands! loads of places to snorkel and go diving! Plus large amounts of jungle to explore!! Oh and still beer!

All For One And One For All!!

The Small Things Are The Funniest!!!

Bennett: Eamon do you know what I like about you??
Eamon: What's that mate??
Bennett: Fuck all!!!

Best comment of the trip so far!! Sorry Eamon!

The Maddest Party On Earth!!!

I left the beach at 9am the following morning with big drinker Eamon haha obviously after he had an hour and half nap mid way through the party, and the party was still going strong!! After the Utd we made our way to the beach which was already packed with dancers, ravers and generally people off there heads!! If you wanted to move from one part of the beach to the other you had to walk in the sea!!

The party came with fire acts walking up and down the beach trying to compete and show who can do the most dangerous tricks! Fire skipping ( I have a video off someone doing it!) which didn't attempt after seeing the number of people with burns plus the amount we had had to drink!! At one bar the was a mini obstacle where you had climb a rope net, jump over at the top then come down a water slide to land on the beach!!

The beach is just over 1km and it was rammed all the way along until about 5am when it started to thin out so you could at least walk down the beach.

 After watching the sunrise (about 6am) a lot of people left but the party just kept on going!

This was taken as I left the beach!!

Out cold!!
Shock he is trying to sleep!! He had an hour and a half sleep mid way through the party!!
The beach at 2pm the next day!!

Sunday 14 August 2011

Full Moon Party Has Arrived!!!

Tonight is going to be the biggest night of the trip so far!!! Everyone on the island of Koh Phangan tonight will be on the beach partying and drinking the lethal rum and red bull!!!

Plan of action is the Man Utd game at 10 and hitting the beach by 12!!! Can't leave until the sun rises!!! Shame I haven't got the flag anymore!!

Pics from Koh Samui and Koh Phangan to follow!! Don't have that many of Koh Samui though because I losted my camera!!

Saturday 6 August 2011

We Survived The Jungle!!!

After 3 days and two nights in the jungle we are all out alive!!! Eamon had a close encounter with a tiger but came out with minor scratches (only joking)!!! And Pash will definitely be taking a oxygen tank if we ever manage to get him to do something like this again!! Staying in the small bamboo huts was a great experince and we actually had the best food there all trip!! I loved every minute of it and could easily spend a month trekking in the jungle! Elephant riding, white water rafting, snake fighting and bamboo rafting, you just can't beat it!!

We spent a night in Chang Mai hoping to watch the utd match but it wasn't on!!! It's back to bangkok tonight on a 12 hour coach ride for the community sheild (that definitely is on) then to a place called Ko Samui for a couple of days before the main event!! FULL MOON PARTY!!!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Story So Far!!!

So we set off from Manchester last Tuesday and landed in Bangkok on Wednesday morning. We were suppose to spend two nights in Bangkok and go to Pattaya on Friday but after the first two nights of getting in at 7am, we were to rough to make the 12 o'clock check out!!! So ended up staying for an extra night in Bangkok!! After the third night, getting in at a more reasonable time(4am) we manged to get up and catch the bus to Pattaya!

A two hour journey for 113baht!! about 3 quid!! We spent 2 days there and it was an eye opening experience!! (watch the video below). This is the place where you can see the famous ping pong show!!! Two days were enough for us but many travelers go here and never leave!!

The next place we are going is Chang Mai for jungle trekking, elephant riding, white water rafting and of course drinking!! To get there we had to go back to Bangkok and as its a 10 hour journey once we got back to Bangkok we decided to have another night here!! Its 16:15 now and we are getting picked up at 18:30 to get the bus over night!! Loads of photos to be taken over the next few days for everyone to enjoy and be jealous of!!