Tuesday 4 October 2011


If going to Australia for 6 months isn’t special enough, then the way we are getting there really is the cream on the cake! The A380 is the largest passenger plane that has ever been built!! One of the great pieces of engineering that is capable by us today! So large that only 20 airports in the world  can land the beast!
Shame they wouldn’t up grade us to business class but hey you can win them all!!

The End Of The Beginning!

So after nine weeks and one day the first section of our journey is over!! Southeast Asia has been a blast and I will be taking home memories that I will never forget. I will definitely be coming back to see the sights, smells and noises again!! After only 9 weeks we have experienced so much, that’s much in fact it would take too long to list here!

As the next part of our journey is about to begin I am sure that in 30 years’ time we will look back and say that we never regretted a minute of it!! 

So now it’s time to see what Aus has in store for us! Hopefully it will be even more eventful than the previous nine week!

The world is a book and not to travel is to read just a page!!

Singapore, The Millionaires City!!

We spent six days in total in Singapore with three of these days taken up mainly by the Grand Prix! We spent most of our time on Clarke quays or the marina front drinking the 7 and half quid pints of strongbow! This is another great city that we have had the privilege to visit! The sky scrappers lite up at night are just a view to look at while enjoying a beer! There is lots of things to keep you occupied and plenty of back packers who are just passing through to catch flights to there next destination on there travels!! The city has a great zoo and museum that you can visit and you could basically just spend a day walking round exploring in between the sky scrappers and the stalls in Chinatown!! It also a has a major casino where we tried our luck!! And you guessed it we still aren't millionaires!! We could of done with the luck of the Irish, Eamon where are you when we needed you!!!

With all that said the place is simply built for millionaires, everywhere you go the price is at least double the price of the UK!! Everyone is wearing suits on a night out and nearly all the cars are BMW or Mercedes!! If I had the money this would definitely one of the places I would have a roof top apartment!!

We visited the zoo on our last day there to see all the animals! They are famous for there white tigers and the its vast range of different animals. No polar bears though but plenty of penguins!!!!

We also eventually managed to meet up with one of the jocks from Aberdeen!! But he was posh and wanted to hang around with the Red Bull team!!