Sunday 31 July 2011

Moved On To Pattaya

We have moved onto Pattaya now for 2 nights and if you wanna know what it's like watch this video!!!!!!

Friday 29 July 2011

Got To Have Something On Your Stomach Before You Go Out!!!

Told Clarkey that these grasshoppers where full of protein for his guns!! haha

That nice I had two!!

Fist Night In Bangkok!!

Crazy first nite in Bangkok!! No one can remember anything!! Here are some of the reasons why!!!

Friday 22 July 2011

Last Day In Work!!!

By the time I finish my last day at work at 12:45 there will only be 3 days, 18 hours and 13 minutes!! Excited is not the word!!!!

Thursday 14 July 2011

Full Moon Party!!

The main party that I am looking forward to in Thailand!!

Time is dragging!!!

My first post just to let everyone know how long before we go!! 11days, 20 hours and 19 mins!! Can't wait, Bangkok here we come. Bets are being taken on the first one to get lost. Pash and Shandy Bass are odds on haha!!